it seems important that the space be inviting, well-lit and used to maximum advantage. how to do that without over-extending the budget? add to that the part of myself that has trouble finishing or following through on a project to completion (or to success!). which means i don't want to overwhelm myself with just the planning. one piece involves deciding what furniture could stay and what should go. just allowing a positive spiritual creative process to work in this situation really helps. so, synchronistically, the bed went to a friend expecting visitors, which frees up the room. a fresh coast of paint in a color like fine paper helps spur me forward.
the old wheeled computer desk does double duty as supply storage. the mini-drafting table works as a flat work surface for paints, pallets, brushes and water (which when covered by vinyl tablecloth becomes a place for messy projects). The bookcase becomes less about books and more about storage for canvases and source material in binders (photos and drawings). The bookcase even includes a little cubby set up as an altar to my dad. He was a creative in a different way. The kid toys are consolidated, leaving the top shelf of their storage available for a second easel and a display space for works in progress (or on hiatus).